Our precious baby turned two months last week. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. Every one told me it would and they are so right. I wish I could push pause so I can keep my itty bitty baby for a while longer. We love her so very much!

Caroline, you are growing like a weed and you finally look and feel like a real baby. You have outgrown most of your preemie clothes and we have a hard time finding things to put you in because newborn clothes are still too big. We mostly keep you in sleepers and onesies right now. You have a closet packed full of the cutest summer dresses and outfits that I am dying to put you in. Hopefully you will be big enough to wear some of them before it's too cold. Being that we live in Texas I'll probably get the chance!
Here are a few of your two month mile stones...
- You weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and were 20 3/4 inches long at your two month check up. You've grown 4 inches in length since you were born. Your long and lean...our little string bean!
- You have learned to smack your lips when you are hungry. It's the cutest thing!
- You aren't too keen on tummy time but we make you do it for short bits of time anyways.
- You can wear newborn diapers now even though they are a bit saggy.
- You love to be rocked and sang to. My favorite songs to sing are, "You Are My Sunshine," and "Jesus Loves Me." You must love them both because you stop crying when you hear them.
- Most nights you sleep 4-6 hours but last Friday you slept through the night. Woohoo!
- You have grown eyelashes finally. Poor thing, you got your momma's blonde lashes so they can only been seen when the light hits them just right.
- You are starting to focus on things with your eyes. You love lamps and during the day you love to stare at the blinds when the sun is shining through.
- You love when mommy makes clicking sounds with her mouth. You smile big when you see/hear them.

You are almost as big as your giraffe now.

I can't imagine life with out you and I am so proud to be your mommy! Happy two months my sweet girl.