Well, besides trying to sqeeze in a nap here and there we've been doing A LOT of snuggling with this sweet baby.

We just can't get enough kisses....

.....or take enough pictures because she is just so stinkin' adorable! Thank you Aunt Carol for sending us this precious kitty bath robe. It fits just perfect!

We've had lots of visitors since coming home. Everyone loves Baby Caroline, especially her Marmie.

I think Caroline loves her too.

Grandma gave Caroline her first bath and she loved it. She was not a fan of the sponge baths she had in the NICU and during her first few days at home.

Aaaaahhhh...wide awake after a relaxing dip in the tub.

Grandma and Pa love their newest grandbaby. Grandma just got over a cold so she wore a medical mask just in case.

Aunt Lara and her crew came to visit too.

These two sun kissed babies love their new cousin. Hayden is especially fascinated by her. Isabella was such a big girl and got to hold Caroline all by herself. She was very proud.

Auntie Lara has a special touch. I love the look on Caroline's face. If she could speak she'd probably tell me, "Enough with the pictures, Mom!"

Aunt Maria could not get over how tiny Caroline is.

Frankie thinks Caroline is pretty special too. She is very curious about this new, squeaky little thing that has come in to her home. She is very protective of Caroline so I have a feeling these two will be great friends.

Grandma brought Caroline her very first piece of jewelry. I LOVE it!

Sweet baby feet. I am obsessed with those soft little toes.

What else have we been up to?
- We took Caroline to the doctor for her two week check up on Tuesday and she gained 8 ounces in a week! We were so thrilled! At her first check up she had lost 2 ounces and was back to her birth weight. She is now a whopping 4 pounds, 6 ounces!! Her teeny tiny preemie clothes that are still a tad big will be snug before we know it.
- We had a photographer come to our home to do a newborn photo shoot this week and I am so excited to see the pictures. We have to wait 4-6 weeks to see them but it will so be worth it. You can see some of Keli's work here. She is so good with newborns and such a talented photographer.
Caroline is napping and this tired mommy is off to do the same. I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
Did you take the picture with the ring on her toe? I think that looks like a professional picture! She's beautiful, Amanda!
ReplyDeleteHey Kelley! Yes, I did take that pic of the ring on her toe. We bought a new camera recently and it takes great pics. Miss you my sweet friend!