Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Revised photo of Baby Dowdy-This Post is For You, Mom!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sweet Baby Girl!
Friday, June 25, 2010
New Bedding, A Happy Little Tree and Father's Day
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Just call me Picasso!
Ha! Not even close but I did tap in to my artistic side this week and must say that I'm pretty proud of my efforts. I think I have a new love for painting. Maybe one day I'll take a class and learn a thing or two.
I've been on the hunt for art work for Caroline's nursery and found a few peices on line that I fell in love with but didn't want to pay the hefty price tag to own them all. Art is expensive!! I thought to myself, "I can do this!" I'm by no means an artist (blending, shading, idea!) but I can certainly look at a picture and draw it so I made a trip (or 2, 3, possibly 4) to my trusty Hobby Lobby to pick up some supplies. You should have seen me trying to pick out paint and brushes....sheeeesh! That could be an entire post in itself. Any who, here is what I came up with....
I found a set of 6 canvases on line for $300. Not a bad price for all six but I still thought I could save a penny or two by doing them myself. I made all six for around $75! I used scrap book paper and acrylic paint to create the birds, flowers, and butterflies. Pretty cute don't you think?
This next one is my absolute favorite! I saw a similar idea on line that a mom had done for her son. I used left over paint and the canvas was on sale 50% off so I think I spent around $15 on this one...what a deal! I painted the tree with left over paint and then wrote a letter to Caroline from me using a white paint pen. If you click on the picture you may be able to see what the letter says in a larger window.
Cute letters on sale 50% off at Hobby Lobby, painted white and decorated with scrap book stickers. Hot glued to Dollar Store frames, also painted white. Pretty pink scrap book paper for the back ground. I think I spent around $20 on this project. Cute, cute, cute!
Cute birdie canvas I made for FREE! The canvases were buy one, get one free and this one was an extra I had from the other projects. I used left over scrap book paper to make the little birdie. Isn't he cute?! This canvas was $130 on line!
Me working on the Letter to Caroline canvas. I had so much fun!
So while I'm no Picasso, I certainly had fun being artsy this week and I think Caroline will one day appreciate the sentimental details created just for her.
The nursery is almost complete! The bedding is due to arrive any day now and then I can get going on the drapes. I can't wait to start that project. I'm so thankful for this time off to be able to do all of these special things for my baby girl before I am too big and too tired to do it.
Have a great week everyone!!
A Fun Ending to Another Great Week.....
Amidst all the projects I had going on at home I still managed to squeeze in some time for two of my favorite people! These ladies and I go back to my days of teaching third grade in Katy. Christy and I have since left the Katy area but we still try to get together a few times a year. We'd all love to see eachother more often if we could. When we first met Christy was single, I was dating David, and Rebecca was mommy to two precious preschooler twins. Boy how times have changed! We're all married now, Christy is expecting her second child, me my first, and Rebecca is now mommy to four boys! I just love these two!
Christy, me, Rebecca
Chirsty at 34 weeks, me at 27 weeks. Both expecting girls!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Fun Week
I had this lamp base tucked away in a closet so I grabbed some white spray paint from the garage and went to work. I need to touch up the top still.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I will trust in you Lord
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Great Start to Summer Vacation!
The End to Another Great School Year
A Few Highlights from May
Here I am on Mother's Day-22 weeks pregnant.
The hubby and me before church.
After church we went out to Cypress to see the final stages of my brother's new home and take momma to lunch.
My wonderful team at work threw a baby shower for me and Baby Caroline in late May. I am blessed to work with some amazing women who went out of their way to make the shower very special. Caroline received so many goodies! It was such a great day.
The Fourth Grade Team, better known as, "The Unit."
Farewell to a Good Friend
I had to say good bye to a dear friend at the end of the school year. Amy and I were introduced a few years ago by our husbands, who were both attending Chiropractic school. We instantly connected and became great friends when we discovered we were both elementary school teachers. Last year Amy's school lost a slot and mine gained one so she transferred on over. It was awesome to have her on our staff. Everyone loved her! This year her hubby was blessed with a job in Dallas so they decided to make the move to the big DFW. I will so miss my sweet friend! I know we will remain close and I will see her again very soon. Love you Amy!!!!
Some ladies from work and I got together for a "Farewell to Amy" dinner. Amy is the pretty blonde in the middle.
At the close of May I was 24 weeks pregnant.
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Little Update...
I plan to post more later but for now here is a little update....
We are going for a second visit with our Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. NancyAyers, on June 9th at Texas Children's Hospital. We feel so blessed that God answered our prayers and lead us to this wonderful doctor. Caroline will be in great hands!
At our appointment, we are hoping to hear that the left ventricle has grown in size and shown improvement so that we can get a full diagnosis and more details about what lies ahead. At this point we still don't know exactly what type of surgery Caroline will have or how long she will be in recovery. I will update as soon as we know more. Please pray that the Great Physician will continue to heal our sweet baby. God Bless!
“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24)