Wow! It's been a while since my last post! I wish I had an excuse for not writing sooner but I really don't. I've just been enjoying the last precious days of summer and every time I sit down to start a post something comes up, such as an afternoon nap, a visit with a friend, a mani, a pedi, or one of my favorite shows. Ha! I really do have a few posts stirring in my head that I plan to share with you soon so stay tuned. For now I am super excited to post about the AMAZING shower we had over the weekend. It looked like something out of a magazine! David and I are truly blessed to have some very special people in our lives who support us and already love our sweet baby so much. We love you all! Thank you for sharing in our day with us. Brace yourself...there are a lot of pictures to follow. I just couldn't help myself. It was a beautiful day!
Proud parents to be.
My sweet sister-in-law, Tanya.
The happy couple.
I teared up the minute I walked in and saw that the room had been decorated to look like Caroline's nursery. I was so touched. There were giant C's hanging from the ceiling that had a beautiful scripture on the back of them. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." How fitting that little touch was for our sweet baby girl. I absolutely loved it!

Sweet Neena and me (above picture) and with my momma (below). 

My good friend, Ally. So glad to see her!
One of our favorite couples, Mike and Karen.

Brother in law, Bernie.
Gotta have a pic of the yummy food. Mmmmmm........
I love my sister!
Pa and his girls. These two belong to my sister but I'd take them if she'd let me.

Love them so much.
Time to open gifts!
We got several sentimental gifts (my favorite kind). This sweet little tea pitcher belonged to David's great, great, great grandmother. My mother in law gave it to Caroline. So special!
David was being so silly while we were opening gifts. I couldn't control my giggles. 

Tag for the stroller...."Please wash hands before touching the baby." Hahaha! My friends know me so well.
My grandma Blanche is such a special person in my life. She made me a "Caring for Caroline" binder. It has every post I've made since I started this blog, every email I've ever sent out to friends and family about Caroline's heart condition, tons of photos and so much more. She even added a few wedding pictures and some details about our family history. I will cherish this gift forever and can't wait to share it with Caroline some day. I love you so much Grams!
Amanda!! It was so beautiful!! I wish I could've been there. Boo.:( Can I meet you for lunch next Wednesday??